Track B
Anti-infectious Immunology and Vaccinology

Courses are taught by a multidisciplinary team of speakers (physicians, pharmacists, veterinarians and scientists) from the university François - Rabelais Tours and INRA as well as scholars or guest lecturers at the cutting-edge of vaccine development (pharmaceutical industry, biotech companies, …).

Teaching mainly deals with the set up of vaccine and anti-infectious therapeutics as well as the introduction on the market of products. This track provides students with theoretical knowledge in infectious diseases, immunology and clinical development. Good laboratory practices, ethics and patent filing are also taught.

Semester 9 program

The first semester is composed of theoretical courses and lectures.

Shared modules

Modules specific to track B Anti-infectious Immunology and Vaccinology


  • Critical analysis of a scientific article /40
  • Written exam for courses common to all tracks /40
  • 3 oral presentations (Vaccines and adjuvants, Recombinant antibodies, Immune response) / 20 per presentation
  • Written exam for track-specific courses / 40

Semester 10 program

The second semester consists of a full-time practical training in a research laboratory. This training will give students the opportunity to evaluate the capacity to adapt to a very demanding field where development depends on the efficiency of every production and control participant. Training is then evaluated through a written report and an oral defence, covered by confidential agreements if necessary. 


  • Written report /40
  • Oral defence /40
  • Answers to questions /80
  • Supervisor evalution /20